Breast Cancer

Cancer Type

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a type of cancer that develops in the breast tissue, usually in the ducts or lobules that produce milk. It is the most common cancer among women worldwide, but can also occur in men. Symptoms of breast cancer may include a lump or thickening in the breast tissue, changes in breast size or shape, nipple discharge or inversion, and skin changes such as dimpling or redness. Treatment options for breast cancer may include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy. Early detection and treatment can greatly improve the chances of a successful outcome, making regular breast cancer screenings and self-examinations an important part of cancer prevention and early detection.

Breast cancer Symptoms:

Breast cancer does not have many symptoms in the early stages. In most cases, the tumor may be too small to be felt, but if there are any abnormalities they will be detected through a mammogram process. If a tumor is evident, then the first sign is usually a lump in the breast that can be felt and was not there in the past. Some of the common signs of breast cancer include:
  • A breast lump has developed and thickened, and it feels different than the surrounding tissue. Breast pain Pitted and inflamed skin over the entire breast region
  • Inflammation in parts of your breasts
  • Unusual nipple discharge, other than breast milk
  • Bloody discharge from your nipple
  • Flaky, peeling, or scaly skin on your nipple
  • A sudden change in the size of your breast
  • An inverted nipple
  • A difference in the appearance of the skin on your breast
  • A lump under your arm
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